• SeattleOrganicRestaurants.com

Health, Fitness, Diet, & Nutrition Blog Dedicated

to your well-being (Est. Since 2010)

Can YOU prevent health problems, cancer, disease, and illness
through healthy foods, fitness, and a more relaxed lifestyle?

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Your honey might not be real honey

Honey is one of the greatest superfoods used for thousands of years for its healing and medicinal properties. However, based on a report, 75% of the honey sold in the US grocery stores today aren't exactly honey produced by bees. According to FDA guidelines any product that is ultra filtered and doesn’t have pollen isn’t honey. However most honeys in US are ultra filtered at high pressure. Then the honey is heated and watered down and then it’s forced though small filters ... Seattle Restaurants



Why Chemotherapy doesn’t work 90% of the times

Kidneys are located on both side of spine in middle of your back. Kidneys produce enzyme that help to regulate blood pressure, produce vitamin D needed for healthy bones, remove toxins and waste from body and help to maintain a balance in chemicals and minerals including potassium, sodium and phosphorus in the blood ... Seattle Restaurants



The chemical produced by Fungi can kill cancer cells

According to Movassaghi it’s been for a while that the researchers know that the compound found in fungi known as 11, 11’-dideoxyverticillin can destroy cancer cells but this chemical in nature happened in such small dosage that it was impossible to perform any tests. But now for the first time ever “11, 11’-dideoxyverticillin” can be tested since the researchers were able to successfully synthesize this chemical in lab. ... Seattle Restaurants


Once again FDA Raids an alternative Cancer Clinic in Tusla, Oklahoma

According to Camelot Cancer Care clinic website, the clinic focuses on alternative cancer therapies that include Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) like vacuum-distilled DMSO, high-dose Vitamin C and Vitamin B-17, glutathione and methylglyoxal, immune system support, adjacent treatments and nutritional education and herbal remedies. In addiction Camelot Cancer Care clinic website explains that the natural and alternative cancer treatments are ultimately up to the patient’s decision since natural treatments are not approved by FDA ... Seattle Restaurants



Alternative Cancer Therapies

More and more people are now looking into new alternatives for cancer treatment. These alternatives help to strengthen the body and boost immune system without having the side effects of conventional treatments. The true health is a combination of a healthy mind, body and the spirit and these cancer alternatives aim to treat the individuals on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional level. Here are some of the most common alternative approaches of treatment ... Seattle Restaurants


Health risks of Fluoride in tooth pastes and tap water

Health risks of Fluoride in tooth pastes and tap water

Although fluoride is mostly found in water and toothpastes, however you might find fluoride in some drugs including antidepressant and antibiotics and foods that are sprayed with pesticides. That’s why eating organic foods that aren’t exposed to any herbicide and chemicals have many health advantages. ... Seattle Restaurants


Hydraulic Fracking can contaminate the Underground Water

Hydraulic Fracking can contaminate the Underground Water

The truth is that some of the toxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracking are methanol, BTEX compounds – benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene, hydrogen fluoride, formaldehyde, lead, toluene, Uranium-238, Radium-226, Naphthalene, sulfuric acid, Crystalline silica and arsenic. All of these chemicals by themselves are toxic and detrimental to our health. ... Seattle Restaurants


MTBE water

Drinking water & MTBE

MTBE can contaminate our water supply by leaking from gasoline reservoirs or tanks and rivers that are permitted to use gasoline watercraft. If your drinking water is supplied by public water system they can test your water for MTBE contamination. If your water is contaminated with MTBE they can remove it by the existing technologies such as advanced oxidation, air stripping and granular activated carbon.... Seattle Restaurants



What is Alkaline Water?

Almost everyone is aware that water is essential for optimum health to keep us hydrated. Quality of water is also just as important and a lesser known or discussed property of water is its pH balance, or its alkaline level. Alkaline antioxidant water is ionized and has high alkaline pH and negative OPR. Negative OPR is the gaining of electrons with negative charge which is good for health. . ... Gestational Diabetes in Pregnant Women


What is Ionized/Alkalized Water and is it actually good for you or just a hype?

What is Ionized/Alkalized Water and is it actually good for you or just a hype?

Almost all of us can agree that there is so much fancy arguments about Ionized or Alkalized water and yet even with a little bit of time invested to research, analyze, and clearly evaluate such arguments – one would reach the conclusion that most of these arguments (from both sides) are based on self interests and therefore an opinion that stems from conflict of interest. ... Seattle Restaurants



Utilizing ionized water in your kitchen

With the regular outbreak of different bacteria and infections in our food supply in the last decade, it is very important to wash and clean your food properly. Technology has improved dramatically to create a convenient way to use and ionized water unit in every kitchen and allow people find ways to utilize the unit in their kitchens. ... Seattle Restaurants



Cardiovascular Disease

In this section of Seattle Restaurants I’m going to talk about cardiovascular disease. 1.3 million heart attacks and 800,000 strokes happen every year in America. People with high blood pressure and high level of cholesterol are more likely to have a heart attack. Unlike what people think eve n a mild elevation in blood pressure or cholesterol level can lead to heart attack. ... Seattle Restaurants


Recommendations for Cardiovascular Health

Recommendations for Cardiovascular Health

Sometimes diabetes in older people is caused by nervous system disorder. Excessively nervous and agitated people over a period of time damage their nervous system tissues and the brain can no longer receive the signals from the body to release insulin in time in order to convert sugar in blood to fatty tissues ... Seattle Restaurants





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Organic Live Food is a dynamic community blog, your ultimate source of knowledge and inspiration for optimizing your health and well-being. Dive deep into the world of antioxidants, Vitamin D, and the transformative power of plant-based diets, as we unveil the latest research and insights to help you thrive. Explore the intricate connection between mental health and nutrition, while staying informed on food lawsuit malpractice issues that impact your choices. Discover the convenience and benefits of fresh food delivery services like Green Chef, Fresh N Lean, Sunbasket Meal, Sakara Life, and Trifecta Nutrition, as we guide you towards convenient and nutritious meal options. Delve into the incredible health-promoting properties of herbs and spices such as Turmeric, Parsley, Garlic, Cinnamon, and Ginger, unlocking their potential to enhance your vitality and overall wellness. Join us on this empowering journey towards a healthier, happier life, where knowledge is power and well-being is paramount.